RollerCoaster Tycoon World Coaster Editor Info
|A new update was posted to the RollerCoaster Tycoon World Production Blog. Here’s a few points I found interesting and my thoughts:
- “Our next innovation concerning the coaster editor, was to throw out the notion of “grid based coaster building” altogether. For the first time ever in the history of the franchise you will be able to build freeform coasters. Although the ground will still feature a grid, it is simply there to help place park elements where you want them.” Finally! Roller coaster building was a bit limited in previous RCT games so this sounds like a great edition. I can’t wait to combine this new coaster editor with the landscape and terrain tools.
- A new ride was revealed, the Barnyard Basher is an S&S Screamin Swing like found at Dollywood and Silver Dollar City with the added element of fire.
- You no longer pay for roller coaster track pieces the moment you put them down. I forgot you had to do that. This sounds like a nice little improvement.
“RCTW is jam-packed with new coasters to build! We have three main track types: Steel, Wooden, and Hanging. These are your raw materials rather than entire coasters like in the previous games. “ Hmmm, that doesn’t make any sense to me and has me a little bit worried to be honest. Hanging is not a raw material. Steel, wooden, and hybrid would have made sense for coaster types.
Read the full RCTW Production blog post here. Additionally, my RCTW FAQ has been updated.
What are your thoughts? Still excited for RCTW or are these updates rubbing you the wrong way?